Each topic in each module is structured in the same manner so that no matter what level you are at, you will recognise our learning structure and the process by which you can best take on information. Each topic includes:
A learning objective
Equipment needed
Glossary of terms used
Written and video tutorials
Learning tasks and projects
Image examples
References and links
Upload section - for us to review your progress and offer further tips and advice
A summary of what you can now achieve!
Starting a new project or taking on new skills is an exciting proposition and you might be tempted to dive in and get started! BUT, take your time and make time. Give yourself a chance to take things on board, re-read, re-shoot and don't hurry to master everything. The Basics is the most essential module in the Learning Centre, if you don't master the Basics everything else will be three times as hard, or impossible.
The topics for the Basic module are below. Just click on the topic required and you're ready to go.
Rule of thirds
Shutter speed
White balance
Camera modes
Megapixels and resolution
Photography through the ages
Important figures